Terminal Components 3.0.0 - TBC

o Javascript component for browser rendering of the terminal buffer.
o JavaFX component.

Bug Fixes
o Allow local echo to output a mask character in TerminalEmulation with methods setMaskInput and setEchoChar.
o A new method has been added isDeadKey(keyCode, keyChar). This is protected, but the default implementation includes all dead keys.
o isModifierOnlyKey(keyCode, keyChar) has been made protected.
o Key events are ignored if either isDeadKey() or isModifierOnlyKey() return true.


Terminal Components 2.1.4 - May 3, 2019

Bug Fixes
o Fixed for 'paste' packets arriving out-of-order.
o & not being encoded (on purpose, but seemingly incorrectly).
o A new method has been added isDeadKey(keyCode, keyChar). This is protected, but the default implementation includes all dead keys.
o isModifierOnlyKey(keyCode, keyChar) has been made protected.
o Key events are ignored if either isDeadKey() or isModifierOnlyKey() return true.
o Some keys do not work in Firefox.


Terminal Components 2.1.3 - Sep 22, 2016

o Added NullDisplay for situations where TerminalEmulation is required without an actual display.
o Added createVirtualTerminal in AbstractWebTerminalSession to allow immediate customization of the WebVirtualTerminal.

Bug Fixes
o Changed char > 255 warning log to INFO level to avoid log spam.
o Replace zeros in selection content with spaces so copy to clipboard works.
o Clear selection if it is scrolled off top of buffer.
o Only scroll selection if buffer is full.
o Special handling for Ctrl+(a-z).
o Include Tab and Escape in the list of keys excluded from Crtl key detection.
o Width and height wrong way around in maverick transport.
o Treat ALT+GR as modifier key.
o Key typed event not handled in Swing component.


Terminal Components 2.1.2 - Jan 21, 2016

Bug Fixes
o Buffer does not send updates when key remains pressed.
o Fixed large paste bug.


Terminal Components 2.1.1 - Aug 25, 2015

o Added stateParameters option, if present this URL query string will be appended to the terminal command. Use format 'name=value&name2=value2'.

Bug Fixes
o Fixed AltGr key on IE, Chrome, Safari
